So here’s why I have relapsed…

I said in my last post I knew exactly why I went back to my eating disorder after my time in treatment and after learning new ways to cope. It was body image. It was weight gain. It was how triggering summer clothing is for me... no. i mean that is all part of it... Continue Reading →

Seasonal clothing…my nemesis

I think I have a hundred posts on this topic. Well not really because I think I only have about that many posts on this blog anyway. But, for the sake of dramatic effect, for the HUNDREDTH time, I hate spring time and the clothes that go with it. I live in the Northern Hemisphere,... Continue Reading →


I made a podcast about unspecified eating disorders for a school assignment. The sound quality isn't great, and the style is a bit choppy, and the more I listen to it the more critical I become...but overall I'm happy enough with it to share with y'all. 🙂 Oh, and there is a 15 second delay... Continue Reading →

Yes I still exist

Hi, Guess where I have been for the past, what has it been, 8 months or so? LIVING LIFE! I graduated my second stay in residential back in the summer (Northern hemisphere) and honestly have been living my best life since then. I am so happy and so fulfilled. Don't get me wrong, there has... Continue Reading →

Menu Mondays

While in treatment I had to keep food records. I have kept these records and have hundreds of meals that meet a basic meal plan. I thought it would be fun to share them with you. I’ll write out the menus and maybe some basic recipes. I will also maybe share some thoughts/feelings I had... Continue Reading →

Weekend Update

My residential referral has gone in and the process is going faster than I had expected. I had my phone interview on Friday and on Tuesday I have my full assessment. Since I've done this before, I know that they'll refer me to the residential program. If this process continues to be this accelerated then... Continue Reading →

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