The gap in the mental health system

I'm in a frustrating place with my mental health symptoms. I am too unstable for community based programs that offer support Monday-Friday between 9 and 5, and I'm too stable for crisis intervention support offered 24 hours a day. My mental health struggle is complex (isn't everyone's?) but right now I am struggling with my... Continue Reading →


In psychotherapy many behaivours (I prefer to call them symptoms- and will do so from here on out) of mental illnesses are classified as egosyntonic and egodystonic. First of all, what does THAT mean? Well egoSYNTONIC describes symptoms that align with a persons values, self image, or in some way or another benefits or is... Continue Reading →

Let’s Talk About Body Dysmorphia

Personal Experience Not everyone who has body dysmorphia has an eating disorder and not everyone with an eating disorder has body dysmorphia, though it is common for them to occur simultaneously. What is body dysmorphia? Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a debilitating body image disorder that engrosses the minds of individuals, causing them to believe... Continue Reading →

Menu Monday

While in treatment I had to keep food records. I have kept these records and have hundreds of meals that meet a basic meal plan. I thought it would be fun to share them with you. I’ll write out the menus and maybe some basic recipes. I will also maybe share some thoughts/feelings I had... Continue Reading →

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