This blog might be a bit more personal than usual. I mean I am often pretty personal, so some of it might seem like a normal day here at OSFEB. But what will be different is that I'm going to free write. And I'm doing this instead of my personal journalling so it will be... Continue Reading →

Eating Disorders and PCOS

I wrote this article to be submitted on a blog I follow for PCOS. I thought I'd include it on my blog too. This particular post is more PCOS focused than ED focused and might not be too relatable to some of my regular readers, but I worked hard on writing it and thought it... Continue Reading →

Weekend Update

Today marks the end of my second week, or the beginning of my third week, in residential treatment for my eating disorder. I have been here before, in 2016. As much as you could love treatment, I loved it here. I was eager to be here and not once did I think about leaving. This... Continue Reading →

Menu Monday, on a Thursday

Guys! Treatment is hard work. I mean duh?! right? But I am tired all the time. I have been meaning to update or blog something for a few days now and each day something happens that wipes me out emotionally. Usually in a good way. Anyways - It is Thursday, and I have so much... Continue Reading →

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